How To Charge What You Are Really Worth with James Bullis

We’re so happy to welcome James Bullis as a speaker at WordCamp DFW. In this talk, “From Volume To Value: How To Charge What You Are Really Worth,” James Bullis will share with you how he went from trying to sell $300 websites to selling $24,000 packages.

When technicians go out on their own, they usually have a hard time understanding what they are worth. They probably learned their skills in school. Hopefully, they have some hands on experience. Then they typically go out on their own in order to experience more freedom. Then reality sets in. They get afraid because it seems like everyone is competing with them. They probably think that the best solution is to charge a lower price. They can always work harder. What they typically experience is no freedom at all. They start wishing they had their old job back and they fail.

James Bullis’ goal is to stop this cycle. He has been on this same journey and over the last few years, and he’s had to take his time to understand the right mindset that it takes to run a business.

During this time, I also developed a process to make it easier to run my business. And finally, I found some tools that help me stand out no matter what I charge for my services.

Even though he’s never spoken at any WordCamp, James Bullis loves to teach and share what he has learned over the last 20 years with other people in the WordPress community. That’s why he helps organize his local Meetup. He’s even planning on bringing a WordCamp to his city!

How To Charge What You Are Really Worth with James Bullis

James Bullis has been working with WordPress for about 12 years. He was working as a web manager at an agency, and they had a developer that was responsible for setting up WordPress for clients who wanted a blog.

One day, he was out of the office and we needed to set up WordPress. I had heard that it was easy to set up. About five minutes later I had it up and running. I started realizing how powerful it could be. The agency would spend almost a year cutting up and designing websites in tables. We quickly figured out how to use WordPress as a CMS and bring our development time down to just a few days.

Today, they use WordPress exclusively and design and build over 100 websites each year. They’ve built over 1000 websites on WordPress!

One of the main reasons why I am so loyal to WordPress is because of the community. I had my first real experience at WordCamp in San Francisco in 2010. It was during that conference that I met many of the other rockstars from the community, including Matt Mullengweg. I really began to understand that the community behind WordPress is what will keep the platform alive. I have made many friends online simply because of the amazing WordPress community.

We know you will benefit from James Bullis’ expertise. He was recently attending another WordCamp and more than once the speaker asked people in the room whether they were contractors, freelancers, or employees.

No one asked if they were business owners. Being a business owner is a different mindset and changes the way that you position yourself to your prospect. The audience should learn some of my secrets on how to better position yourself so that you can get paid what you are worth.

James Bullis is also passionate about reminding others that “our health is our wealth.”

Last year, my family and I realized that we needed to take better care of ourselves. We stayed on a pretty strict diet for over a year. My wife and daughter each lost 80 pounds each. I was able to lose over 135 pounds. Unfortunately, I had some health issues that required me to stop my diet and regained a lot of the weight. I’m excited to get back to living a healthy lifestyle once again.

We believe that his talk will inspire you to make empowering decisions for your life and for your business.

How To Charge What You Are Really Worth with James BullisWhen James Bullis first started out on his own, he felt like he had to compete and he believed (like many people) that the only way to compete was on price.

I was so wrong. Over the last few years, I have learned that there is more than enough good-paying work for web design businesses. That’s why I want to share what I have learned so that other people can make a good living with their business as well.

Tweet during James Bullis’s talk using #WCDFW and ask him about being born in Long Beach California to 16-year-old parents.

My parents didn’t want me to grow up in the gang environment so my dad joined the Army. My first memory was meeting him in Germany. I ended up growing up in Germany and only spoke German until I started school.

We’d love to see you at this year’s WordCamp DFW!  Get your Tickets here!